The Shabby Beach Girl
LIVE simply and fully, SPEAK kindly and truthfully, CARE generously and freely, LOVE sincerely and deeply
Children of God By Third Day
Children of God
Praise to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Our God and our king to him we all sing
In his great mercy he has given us life
Now we can be called the children of God
Great is the love that the father has given us all
He has delivered us
He has delivered us
Children of God, sing your song and rejoice
For the love he has given us all
Children of God by the blood of the son
We have been redeemed and we can be called
Children of God
Children of God
A mystery is revealed to the universe
The father above, has proven his love
Now we are free from the judgment that we deserve
And now we are called the children of God
Great is the love that the father has given us
He has delivered us
He has delivered us
Children of God sing your song and rejoice
For the love he has given us all
Children of God by the blood of the son
We have been redemmed and we can be called
Children of God
Children of God
We are the saints
We are the children
We've been redeemed
We've been forgiven
We are the sons and the daughters of God
Happy Holidays!!
There super simple to make. I just took a small red plastic bowl along with one of those firm green sponges (very technical term but I can't remember the name.) and you fill it with water. Then I took some foilage,holly,pine,etc and you just start randomly placing it inside the sponge. Add some ornaments and ribbon made with wire and...Voilla!!! You have a very easy, yet unexpensive girft for someone you love!!!
Down day
Thank you so much an I love you all!!!!
Yoga, candles, babies and Highway maps...
Awe Nestle it was love at first sight. The ultimate in chocolate. I see you and I smile :)
I LOVE Brownies!!!! YES YES YES. Chocolate hot is like a sunny day at the beach!!
Well after the delicious brownies had cooled enough for consumption I changed into some comfy Yoga pants, grabbed a book and headed to my favorite spot on the couch for some serious relaxation.
Singles group?
Well, shockingly enough my parents were encouraging me to go and I have been wanting tom get plugged into a small group with people gym age. Seriously were I work the only "men" or heck even people that come in are drug seeking, Vicodin popping freaks or people that look like there going to drop dead from the flu.....hmmmm not very appealing. And when im not working there im working out at a women's gym or home cooking or cleaning or hanging out with my pretty much all married girlfriends. The pool of single people including my dear girlfriends in shrinking and drying up. I feel like a tadpole that was once swimming freely in beautiful stream with all her friends, happy as a clam, and now im flopping in a sludgepuddle whilst all my friends have married a assumed the status of full grown frog.
So yes aside from that rather out there definition I am sure you get what I mean. If not then your prob married lol. so I decided I would at least try it once? what could it hurt right? So this past Sunday I went with my parents to church and after wandering around for like five minutes trying to find the singles room i finally came to it. And wouldn't you know but i was five minutes late and every single chair was taken. Oh and the room was really small so as I opened the door and stepped in half the people stopped talking and looked up..."um yeah hi im just gonna go shoot myself" Ever have those moments in your life when you just wanna scream and run. Well one table was nice enough to make room and of course as these things usually work out she started with "oh yeah so this week were not doing things how we normally do" Oh joy. but in all honesty as I sat there listening to everyone talk I realized this was a really great group of people. They all earnestly loved God and had a real desire to grow and serve him and reach out to the community. Nobody was (or at least most everyone) casing the joint or LOOKING DESPERATE. I was rather surprised it was just like a normal small group the only difference was that everyone in there was single. I found out from talking to one of the women after that they have a several small groups that meet during the week. So we shall see what happens with that. I loved the church though. The worship music absolutely thrilled me and the sermon was great!!! Cant wait till nest week :)

LOL So, ive NO idea why I made that face. Alaina and Allison I miss you girls SOOOO much!!!
Date with God
God please help me! I am living with a slight attitude of defeat. I am jsut so darn frustrated with me.For so many reasons. I feel like I keep messing up and even if I am not I am paranoid that I will. I also dont feel beautiful AT ALL today. I know you think I am but it would be nice if when I looked in mirror I looked skinny and pretty.....
WOW, I see what your telling me. look how many times ive written the word I. 12 hmm.... If you hadnt shut me up there would definately be more. I feel like you are wanting me to write down how you see me as a reminder to myself.
I am_ in Gods eyes:
* God I dont really wanna write down some of these words because right now I dont really believe them. Please help me to write what you put on my heart only. and by your grace believe it.
I am _ in Gods eyes
Holy Set Apart
God forgive me for focusing on myself. Help me to draw near to you and focus on you.So many times I think about my own selfish ways and instead of THANKING you for what youve DONE, I COMPLAIN about what youve yet to DO. PLEASE forgive me!! I would like to take a moment to thank you for what you HAVE given me.
God thank you:
For Coffee dates with you :)
That im not as chubby as I could be(hey it could always be worse haha)
For the music thats playing right now on the radio
My job and having more hours
The sun
Never letting me go even when I fail time and time again.
For gently showing me my selfish mindset
That ONE DAY some guy WILL find me special and "worth it" to pursue. even if it's not today. I CHOOSE to give my heart to you!! I LOVE YOU MWAH